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Seder Menu 2019 #Passover

Pesach is my favorite holiday, my birthday falls out just before- and I love everything about it. Except maybe the food limitations, but this leaves for so much creativity! Also, so healthy, since we use NOTHING or almost nothing :) processed. Enjoy MaMenu's menu, and if you need a Seder in the NELA area, hit me up!

Jicama + mango slaw

Peel 1 large jicama- either julienne, cut into matchsticks or shred in food processor

1 red onion- chopped

4 persian cucumbers-  either chopped, julienne, cut into matchsticks or shred in food processor

1 mango, peeled and chopped in cubes or matchsticks. 

Combine and season with olive oil, lots of lime juice, and salt.

*note: jicama when shredded, can be used as a cabbage style base for a salad.

avocado and butternut squash salad with red onion vinaigrette 


cubed avocado

cubed and roasted butternut squash (400 degrees, 30-40 minutes)

Red onion vinaigrette:

1/2 cup oil

1/4 cup lemon juice

1 tbsp sugar

1 tsp salt

1 small red onion

Blend in food processor. 

citrus roasted corvina fish

1 corvina fillet (can easily work with salmon, trout, etc)

kosher salt

citrus- sliced: your choice of orange, blood orange, lemon or lime

1 cup sweet or semi dry white wine

Salt fish with kosher salt.

Arrange a patterned layer of citrus slices on the bottom of the pan, place fish over it. Arrange more slices on top of fish, fully covering it. 

Drizzle 1 cup sweet or semi dry white wine over and around fish.

Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes, finish off the baking under the broiler for 1-2 minutes for beautiful color. 

*for salmon, bake at 450 degrees for 15 min. 

- thank you C. K. 

celery root soup with carrot crisps

2 large onions, chopped

1/4 cup olive oil

2 medium celery roots, peeled and cubed

8 cups vegetable stock*, chicken stock or water


Saute onions in oil for 8 minutes, add celery root and cover with stock, cook for 1 hour. Blend with immersion blender. 

*I will be using a veg stock- separately cooking up a huge pot of water with carrots, zucchini, sweet potato, salt and a few onions.

Carrot crisps

Peel a few carrots, then using the peeler- peel down the carrot into strips. Fry these strips in oil and serve over the soup. 

sweet potato boats *veg option

Pierce sweet potatoes with a fork and bake at 400 degrees for 1 hour. Let cool, slice in half. Load with any vegetable mixture- I will use the above jicama and cucumber slaw. 

Wine braised London Broil

Marinate meat with olive oil, red wine, lemon juice, orange juice and salt. Marinate for min. 1 hour to overnight. Bring to room temp before broiling or grilling. 

Preheat broiler- and broil for about 5 minutes per side- depending on size and doneness. Medium rare is best. 

Let cool and slice. Rewarm with cooking juices. 

*You can also bake at 350 for a few hours, making sure it doesn't dry out by having plenty of wine, water or stock in the pan. 

*brisket or roast: cover with lots of onions, chopped tomatoes, pour wine over all, and a generous sprinkling of salt. Bake at 200 for a loooong time (overnight?) or 350 degrees 1 hour/pound. 

parsnip mash

Prepare 2 lbs. parsnips, peeled and sliced,

bring to a boil in salted water, cover and cook for 15 minutes.

Uncover and cook for another 5-10 until some liquid cooks out. 

Drain reserving the cooking liquid. Add 1/4 cup oil, and blend until smooth, adding cooking water to reach smooth consistency. Season with salt to taste. 

I placed the mash in a large ziplock bag, kept it warm over the sternos at the seder- or you can keep warm in hot water. I snipped the corner of the bag when serving, and scooped a small mound onto each plate. 

Roasted Yuca + Beets 


Peel and thinly slice yuca root. Season with olive oil and salt. Bake evenly as one layer at 450 degrees for 20 min, flip them over and bake for another 5-10 minutes. 


Peel and thinly slice beets. Roast at 450 degrees with olive oil and salt for 15- 20 minutes. 

Combine and serve together. 

Nut and Lemon Pie


1 cup ground almonds

1/3 cup oil

3/4 cup sugar

1 egg yolk

Mix and press into 9" round pan, bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. 

Lemon Mixture:

6 eggs whites

1/2 cup sugar

    Beat, until very creamy white and fluffy

1/2 cup oil

6 egg yolks

1/3 cup lemon juice

    Whisk above 3 ingredients together in a separate bowl. Slowly pour into egg white mixture with machine on. 

Pour lemon mixture onto nut crust and freeze. 

Pavlova + pineapple curd 


   8 egg whites

    2 cups sugar

        beat until stiff peaks form (hold over your head and they won't fall out trick :))

    Spread onto 2 sheet pans, spooning on to make 2 9" circles. (you can also make mini personal pies) 

Bake at 275 degrees for 75 minutes, then turn off oven and leave in for 1 hour. (these can be made way in advance, store airtight at room temp)

Pineapple Curd

    2 cups fresh pineapple puree (well blended in food processor, strain out as much liquid as possible)

    2/3 cups sugar   

    6 egg yolks

    pinch of salt

Whisk together, place in saucepan and turn to medium heat, whisk constantly so it does not burn. Cook until mixture thicken. I will update the timing, as not sure how long it may take. 

Spread pineapple curd over pavlova and top with fresh fruit (mango, kiwi, pineapple chunks or whatever fruit you have handy)

**PSA I follow my family and Chabad's Passover food customs. I only use fruits and vegetables that have a peel (as a protective barrier to anything Chametz that may have come near it). I also use almost nothing processed. (There are a few exceptions 😉) Therefore no spices other than salt. Please adjust and adapt according to your customs.


Los Angeles, CA



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