Sukkot Menu 10.4.2017
For the first night of Sukkot, the holiday where we celebrate the gathering of the harvest, we eat in a Sukkah or booth outside, under the stars. MaMenu presents a beautiful, festive and seasonal menu for the cool evenings of Sukkot. Enjoy!

Bourbon Hot Chocolate topped with toasted marshallows
Hot chocolate (TJ) or mix almond milk with chocolate syrup +
1/2 oz bourbon per serving
topped with toasted or broiled marshallows
Seven Seed Round Challah and Honey
Egg wash and top heavily with:
Sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds, fennel seeds, cumin seeds, sesame seeds, black sesame seeds, poppy seeds, caraway seeds, anise seeds.
>>Here are the soup cups I will be using- clean white, 8 oz hot cups, 100 pack, I will add a sticker with our logo.<< >> <<
Sous Vide Beef Roast
140 Degrees 6-14 hours

Cover with fresh thyme, fresh rosemary, garlic powder and South African Smoke spice rub.