Shabbat Menu 9.8.2017
Read it nice and slow, savor all those flavors... In the #classicjewishdishes department, we are bringing Borscht back!!!! The meaty, cabbagy, beety, rich in color soup.

#shabbatshalom from #MaMenu
This mojito was dynamite. We made it in an infuser pitcher (you can also do it in a dispenser) with the big chunks of plum, sage leaves, and lime, it looked beautiful and tasted wonderful! We had separate bottles of club soda to top it off, with ice.
Salt + Pepper Challah
S+P Challah was simple to make and yum. Use your classic Challah recipe, egg wash it, and give it a really generous sprinkling of coarse Kosher salt, and coarse freshly ground black pepper.
Roasted Tomato + Onion Dip Slow cooked tomatoes, garlic and onions, then blended. It's quite nice with the Challah.
Vegan "cheesy" Black bean dip
1 15 oz can black beans, rinsed and drained 1 tbsp olive oil 3 tbsp Nutritional Yeast (mine is from Trader Joe's, it's a vegan cheese substitute) 3 tbsp water 3 tbsp fresh lemon juice 1 tsp salt and blend!

Tomato Fennel Salad 2 fennel bulbs thinly sliced (fennel works great on a mandolin) 1 lb. heirloom tomatoes cut into chunks Handful chopped fresh parsley
1/3 cup toasted pine nuts dress with olive oil, white wine vinegar, salt + pepper

The salmon recipe was a winner! Easy enough; evoo, lemon and panko with a basic dijon sauce.
Borscht- Greatest Recipe of All Time The Borscht was so delicious! It really reminded some of our guests about their Russian or Polish grandparents.

Lovely vegan dish.
Loved this! I didn't make enough, so I ended up making second batch just before candle lighting!
Truffle Brownies -- YUMM, a heavy chocolate dessert! Kosher by design page 264