rusyasOct 27, 2017MaMenu of 10.27.17#Salad #Dips #Hummus #sides #Fall #vegetarian #Entree #BreadMaking #Baking #Dessert #salmon #Challah #MaMenu #vegan #Cocktail #Menu #soup
rusyasSep 20, 2017Rosh Hashana Dinner Menu 5778New Year New Menu Festive Menu Honey & Sweetness Wishing you all an exceptional and successful year of 5778! Sultana Raisin Challah...
rusyasSep 8, 2017Shabbat Menu 9.8.2017Read it nice and slow, savor all those flavors... In the #classicjewishdishes department, we are bringing Borscht back!!!! The meaty,...